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Am I missing something? The contents of the PDF could fit a tweet. Here they are:
"To use this SRD you will need to know the basic rules of rock paper scissors (look that up yourself) and a little bit of time to spare. To start think of a theme for your game. Space, Hamsters or even Space Hamsters. Now think of three (or more) new hand gestures that fit that theme. Once you’ve got them decide how they work against each other. That’s the basics of this SRD but.. you can add more. For example health: Every time a player is beaten they get dealt one damage. Effects: Every symbol has a special attack. Vs GM: Could be used as a resolution mechanic where you have to beat the GM for success. Combat System: Could be used as a full blown combat system in your TTRPG. But you could probably think of even more ways. If you are kind, could you please add my name somewhere in your text (LynxenRPGs)"